Peaira Brittingham                                                                                                                                           1/4/12

Ms.Hassell                                                                                                                                                          7th grade



                My family means the world to me. Even though we argue and fight we will always love one another. Family is important to me because they are someone that you can always depend on. I mean don’t get me wrong your family could be your worst enemy. But at the end of the day you are still family. When you say that you love your family, that means that you care and respect them. If your family does something wrong to you I guarantee you that you would forgive that family member the next day.                                                                                                                             Everyone has a particular family member that they love the most. For instance my favorite family member is my mother. My mother is my favorite because for 1 she is the person who gave birth to me, she gives me almost everything I want, and she is the best mother that anyone can have. My mother is the most important person in my life that is in my family in my eyes. But, she is not the only person that I love and is the only person that is important in my family.                                                                                                                                                                      My family and I do everything together. We wouldn’t snitch on one another at all unless one snitches first. We will fight together if we have to. We would even encourage each other if we have to. Nothing is more important to me other than my family.

If I was with a celebrity for a day I would first get to know that celebrity from the morning to the evening. I would ask that celebrity about his or herself and see what they like to do. My purpose of doing this is because if I hadn’t done this then how I’m supposed to know about that celebrity. Like how am I supposed to have fun with you if I don’t know what we have in common. For all you know that celebrity could be boring because of the fact that neither one of you have anything in common. So, if you two don’t know anything about each other you may not know what they are capable of doing or eating.

Next, from the evening to night I would see if i and that celebrity could go play some games. That we both have in common with each other. Now, the reason why I would do this is to find out how overboard can that celebrity get. Also, how much fun is that celebrity could be. After that I would ask that celebrity could we can go to the studio. I would do this because this is what I love to do. For an example, everyone knows that I love to sing and the fact of me going to record myself and here myself is so wonderful to. That was always my childhood dream.

Last but not least, from night to the morning I would see if I and that celebrity could throw a party. I would do this so that of the day me and that celebrity could just chill. And trust me if I were this celebrity I would say yes because I am the party queen. I can throw the best and largest parties ever. O and by the way if I could choose a celebrity it would be Nicki Minaj.

Well, to start off this paragraph I’m just going to say “I Love Basketball. Would you like to know why? My first reason why is because of the exercise you get. When you run, jump wave your hands up and down to block the ball all you are doing is exercising. Not only are doing these thing to exercise you are doing other things to. When you exercise it helps you to stay in shape so that you can still play. Just make sure you eat afterwards.

Another reason why is because it can be a good way for you to learn teamwork. When you learn teamwork you are to trust your teammates. You know what they say right “There is no I in team”. Saying that, teamwork also means you have to learn to share. If you think that everything is going to be about you the whole time then you might as well don’t try out for any sport that involves a team.

The largest reason why is because how much fun you have while you are playing. When I say fun it means like, once you get on the court you can just be yourself and do whatever you learned. Some people say that people just play to make complete fools of themselves. A lot of people say that people just play to lose weight. But, in my eyes playing basketball is the best sport that any average person would love to play. The reason why I feel this Is because “ I Love Basketball”

The high school that I would like to go to is Banneker High School. I want to go to Banneker because at that particular school there is a lot of competition and that is what I like about it. When I have competition it makes me strive to do better. The students at the school are very smart. They are so smart that had the President of the United States (president Obama) to come to their school and award them for what they have done. And this was this year. The year when I decided that’s where I wanted to go.

The second reason why is because it is challenging. I know that challenging and competition is somewhat the same but, in my eyes they are different. It is challenging because in a particular grade they give you a larger grades work. For an example, if I were in ninth grade they would teach me eleventh grade work. When something is challenging all it does is make you more advanced.

My most important reason is because the students and teachers there are very serious about their work. And one day I want to be as serious as them. When someone is that serious about their work that practically means that they want to be someone as they get older. And they also know what they want to be. They would strive to what they want to be and most of them make something of themselves and that is exactly what I want to do. I want to be someone and know what I want to be by the time I get older.

I have many achievements I want to make in life. One of my achievements is to go to college and finish college. I want to do this because I would have a career I get the proper education that I need and that I deserve to have. If I go to college I would know by that time what I want to be in life. As of right now I don’t know what I want to be.  Also, going to college is a good way to get to where you want to go in life because most people who don’t go to college are either poor or gets paid a small amount of money. Not saying that for everyone but, just for advice.

Another achievement that I want to do is to live life with no regrets. If I do this then I could make my own mistakes and learn from them on my own.                                                                   

Peaira Brittingham                                                                                                                      10/31/11

Ms. Hassell                                                                                                                                    Technology

Blog 1- Draft 2

The mistake I learned from

Mistakes have several meanings to them. I mean if you ask me it might have thousands of meanings. If you ever did something that you regret then it is a mistake. If you ever did anything on a accident it’s a mistake. If you ever misspelled a word on an essay it’s a mistake. Anything you do can be a mistake. You can make a mistake without even knowing I did. When you make a mistake you can learn from it in any type of way. Everyone makes a mistake sometime in their life so, don’t feel bad. Mistakes are just things that you do wrong. If you ever made a mistake that you feel guilty about then feel free to talk to somebody about it that you trust.

Some say that no one makes mistakes but, others say that mistakes are just things you do on an accident and most say that mistakes are just things you regret. A mistake I learned from was when I lied to my mother when I didn’t have to. It all started when I was sitting on the couch watching television. Then my brother comes down stairs and throws a ball. Once he threw it at me I threw it back and that is when we started playing.  My brother and I both knew that my mother didn’t want playing in the living room. So my brother and I disobeyed her rules and we broke her expensive antique. Then, I lied. All that did was make it worse on me because I felt guilty. Knowing that my mom was hurt and I lied about it, it just made me feel like I was a liar and a person who doesn’t care about her mother’s feelings. So, when my mother found out it was me I got in trouble. The lesson I learned from this experience was that lying doesn’t help you out it just makes things worse and  the type of mistake I made was what most people said (if you don’t know what most people say look at the beginning of this paragraph).

You may know that I made a bad mistake and felt bad about it. Well, I learned a lesson afterwards. If you know what you did wrong and you just let it go you might as well get ready to face the consequences. Most people make a mistake and has a consequence right behind them. That is what happened to me. But, of course out of your whole entire life you would have plenty. So, if you need any advice about making a mistake  feel free to ask me or talk to me about it.